American Fit Co Northwest – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
Running Warm-Up
Down one side of gym (approx. 20m), jog back to the start.
1. High knee karaoke
2. Over the hurdle
3. Knee Hugs
4. Figure 4
5. Lunge with Samson stretch
6. Lunge with torso twist
7. Toe to touch (toy soldier)
8. High knees
9. Butt kicks
10. Straight leg drill
11. Side step
12. Side step with jumping jack
13. Toes In Walk
14. Toes Out Walk
15. Walk on Heels
16. Walk on Tip Toes
17. Walk on Outside of foot
18. Walk on Inside of foot
100m Run easy
Walk Back
100m Run moderate
Walk Back
100m Run fast
Metcon (No Measure)
3 Sets:
800m Moderate
Rest 1:30
400m Moderate
Rest 1:00
Rest 3:00
3 Sets:
400m Fast
Rest :300
200m Recovery Pace
The goal here today is to keep all sets the same. We want to have different gears for each (fast/moderate/recovery). This will help us develop pacing in our running/metcons and learn to “feel” our speeds