American Fit Co Northwest – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
GENERAL WARM UP [5:00 – 10:00]
0:30 Child’s Pose (0:10 hands in the middle, 0:10 both hands left, 0:10 both hands right)
0:30 Active Samson
0:30 Left Half Kneeling Adductor Stretch
0:30 Right Half Kneeling Adductor Stretch
0:30 Slow Air Squats
0:30 Alternating Quad Stretch
1:00 Pole/Rig/Rack Assisted Squat Hold
Coach: Before athletes find the bottom of their squat ask athletes to Shoulder-width stance Corkscrew feet into the floor Knees in line with toes Hips Back and Down
TECHNIQUE & BUILD [10:00 – 24:00]
2 Rounds:
0:15 Stiff Legged Deadlifts
0:15 Goblet Squats
0:15 Press and Reach
0:15 Double Dumbbell Deadlift
0:15 Muscle Cleans
0:15 Front Rack Hold
Coach: “Elbows Up” (Corkscrew)
0:15 Farmer’s Hold
Look For: Rounding/Inactive Shoulders Coach: “Shoulders back; rotate thumbs out slightly”
50 Meter Double Dumbbell Farmer’s Carry
Look For: Rounding/Inactive Shoulders
5 Pausing Double Dumbbell Squats (0:05 bottom)
Look For: Shoulder width stance Coach: “Screw Feet into The Floor” Look For: Knees in line with toes
3 Double Dumbbell Squats
Look For: Knees in line with toes
3 Pausing Double Dumbbell to Shoulder to Overhead (0:03 pause in the rack; 0:03 pause overhead)
Look For: Elbows dropping in the front rack between reps Coach: “Elbows Up”
3 Double Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead
Look For: Elbows dropping in the front rack between reps
SPECIFIC WARM UP [24:00 – 30:00]
We can have all athletes practice handstands
0:10 Handstand Hold
Look For: Active Shoulders Coach: “Push The Ground Away”
10 Handstand Shoulder Shrugs
Look For: Midline Stabilization Coach: “Squeeze core tight; no movement through the midline only shoulders”
3 Handstand Push Ups or Wall Walks
Look For: Athletes elbows breaking to the sides- we want athletes elbows breaking forward Coach: “Screw Hands into The Floor then Bend Elbows”
5 Doubl
TURN & BURN (Time)
3 Rounds:
15 Double Dumbbell Squats
15 Handstand Push-Ups/Double DB Should to Overhead
400 Meter Double Dumbbell Farmer’s Carry
3 Rounds:
45 Air Squats
15 Double Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead
Dumbbells: (50’s/35’s)