CrossFit – Wed, Feb 8


CrossFit – Wed, Feb 8

American Fit Co Northwest – CrossFit


30 Seconds Down Dog

30 Seconds Up Dog

30 Seconds Hollow Hold

30 Seconds Active Spiderman

30 Seconds Plank

30 Seconds Active Samson

30 Seconds Down Dog to Push-Up



Barbell Warmup

5 Good Mornings

5 Back Squats

5 Elbow Rotations

5 Press and Reach

5 Stiff Legged Deadlift

5 Front Squat


Low Ring Progression

Top of Dip Support Hold

Bottom Dip Support Hold into Dip

False Grip with Toe Trainsitions

High Ring Progression

Scap Pull-Ups

Ring Swings

Swing to Bottom Dip Support

Ring Muscle-Ups

Cue atheltes to have their eyes up as the transition through the rings into the dip position.


Clean Progression with Empty Bar

5 High Hang Clean

5 Above Knee Clean

5 Mid Shin Clean

Jerk Progression with Empty Bar

5 Strict Press

5 Push Press

5 Push Jerk

Cue athletes to keep their eyes up when pulling from the floor to encourage a more upright torso position.

2 Ring Muscle-Ups

2 Clean & Jerks (Light Weight)

2 Ring Muscle-Ups

2 Clean & Jerks (Moderate Weight)

2 Ring Muscle-Ups

2 Clean & Jerks (Workout Weight)


Lyla (Time)

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Reps For Time:


Bodyweight clean and jerks
To learn more about Lyla click here