American Fit Co Northwest – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
2 Rounds of. . .
0:30 Easy Pace Row
0:30 Moderate Pace Row
0:30 Sprint Pace Row
0:30 Rest
TECHNIQUE & BUILD [9:00 – 26:00]
0:15 Good Mornings
0:15 Elbow Rotations
0:15 Back Squats
0:15 Strict Press
0:15 Deadlifts
0:15 Muscle Cleans
3 Power Cleans from The Pocket
3 Power Cleans from Above The Knee
3 Power Cleans from Mid Shin
[Coach: neutral spine as athletes lift the bar; neutral spine as athletes return the bar to the floor] [Coach: the rhythm of cycling Power Cleans. . . clean, catch, stand, breathe, pocket, hips back and return the bar to the floor with a neutral spine]*
[Coach: athletes must complete heavy 10 as touch n go. . . let athletes know they can breathe/rest with the bar at their shoulders]
3 Power Cleans (focusing on the “rhythm”)
Power Clean (10 Rep Max)
Warm-up (No Measure)
10 Scap Retractions
5 Kip Swings
4 Knees to Chest
3 Toes to Bar
[Coach: today athletes will want to “kick” with their feet as much as possible to manage midline and grip fatigue]
5 Med Ball Thrusters
[Coach: athletes to extend hips (squeeze butt) THEN press]
0:30 Med Ball Squat Hold
5 Wall Balls
[Coach: athletes should use their legs as much as possible on Wall Balls to manage upper body fatigue]
CrossFit Games Open 14.4 (AMRAP – Reps)
14-Minute AMRAP:
60 Calorie Row
50 Toes-To-Bars
40 Wall-Ball Shots, 20# / 14#
30 Cleans, 135# / 95#
20 Muscle-ups