


American Fit Co Northwest – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

GENERAL WARM UP [5:00 – 10:00]

0:30 Inchworm to Push Up

0:30 Active Spiderman

0:30 Child’s Pose (walking hands left to right)

0:30 Kneeling Forearm Stretch

0:30 PVC Pass Through

0:30 PVC Around the World (0:15 clockwise/counterclockwise)

0:30 PVC Lat Stretch (each side)

TECHNIQUE & BUILD [10:00 – 30:00]


5 Intentional Pass Throughs

[Coach: straight arms, shrug, push the bar away, tight midline (ribs stay down)]

3 Drop to Catch Position (starting with PVC overhead)

[Coach: athletes start with PVC overhead, straight arms, snatch grip]

[Coach: athletes start with legs straight and drop to catch position]

[Coach: catch position- heels down, butt back, knees out, arms straight]

3 Press Under to Catch Position (starting with PVC in the back rack)

[Coach: fast elbows]

[Coach: catch position- heels down, butt back, knees out, arms straight]

3 High Pull to Power Snatch (starting with PVC at the pocket)

[Coach: shrug with straight arms, high elbows, drop fast to catch position]

[Coach: catch position- heels down, butt back, knees out, arms straight]

3 Power Snatches from The Pocket

[Coach: shrug with straight arms, pull under fast]

3 Power Snatches from Above The Knee

[Coach: extend hips, shrug with straight arms, pull under fast]

3 Power Snatches from Mid Shin

[Coach: squeeze shoulders back towards the hips]

[Coach: squeeze to get past the knees, extend hips, shrug with straight arms, pull under fast]


1 Power Snatch from The Pocket

1 Power Snatch from Above The Knee

1 Power Snatch from Mid Shin

[Focus: “shrug with straight arms THEN pull under fast”]

1 Power Snatch from The Pocket

1 Power Snatch from Above The Knee

1 Power Snatch from Mid Shin

[Focus: “extend hips THEN shrug”]

5 Power Snatches

[Coach: the rhythm when cycling a big set]

Snatch Stand and Breathe Regrip (if needed) Bar Hits The Pocket- butt back/flat back Keep the bar over middle of the foot Bar Hits The Floor- shoulders back and jump


Power Snatch (Build to a Heavy set of 10)


Warm-up (No Measure)

10 Scap Retractions

5 Kip Swings

[Demo: how to “kick feet”]

5 Knee to Chest


7 Deadlift

[Stance: feet straight and under hips]

[Grip: hands just outside of hips]

5 Toes to Bar

[Coach: let’s have athletes do this in 2 sets IF they plan on doing small quick in the workout (3-2)]

3 Power Snatches


7 Deadlifts

5 Toes to Bar

3 Power Snatches

NINTENDO (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


21 Deadlifts (115/75)

15 Toes to Bars

9 Power Snatches (115/75)