


American Fit Co Northwest – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

2 Rounds:

1:00 Bike

6 Ring Rows

10 Alternating Box Step Ups

50′ Single KB Front Rack Walk

Accessory Work

Metcon (No Measure)

3 Rounds for Quality:

6 Tempo Ring Rows 3s Up, 3s Pause, 3s Down

100′ Single Arm KB Farmer’s Carry

12 Waiter Squats (6 each side)


Emergency Brake (Time)

Working through 8 Rounds of 2:00 on, 1:00 off:

30/24 Calorie Bike

30 Power Cleans (95/65)

30/24 Calorie Bike

30 Front Squats (95/65)

30/24 Calorie Bike

30 Squat Cleans (95/65)
– Athletes pick up where they left off in the chipper after each 1:00 rest.

– Score is completion time, including rest time. There is no rest time to add after the final 2:00 interval. 8 Rounds Cap. If there are reps still remaining when time expires, add 1 second to your time for every uncompleted rep.