American Fit Co Northwest – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
8 Minutes for Quality:
1:00 Bike
20 Band Pull Aparts
5 Pushup to Down Dog
10 Walking Lunges
10 Reps w/ Empty Bar
Set 1: 60%
Set 2: 70%
Set 3: 80%
Metcon (Weight)
Bench Press:
PART A: @ 90% of 5RM
1 Tempo Pausing Bench Press (4s down, 2s pause, regular up)
1 Tempo Bench Press (4s down, regular up
1 Bench Press
On the 2:30
1 Set Max Reps Bench Press @ 70% of 5RM
-These are 3 consecutive reps. The first will have a 4s negative, a 2s pause at the chest, followed by a regular press out of the bottom. The second rep has a 4s negative, no pause, followed by a regular press from the bottom. The last rep is a regular bench press with no tempo or pause.
– The pause at the chest does NOT mean rest the barbell on your body. The barbell should be just barely touching your body during the pause.
Metcon (2 Rounds for time)
2 Rounds:
4k Bike
Rest 3:00 between rounds
1st 2k – Moderate (sustain) Pace
2nd 2k – Hard (reach) Pace
– We are looking finding our different “gears” in today’s biking
– Our moderate pace should be something at or slightly above converstational pace.