CrossFit – Mon, Oct 9


CrossFit – Mon, Oct 9

American Fit Co Northwest – CrossFit


5:00 AMRAP:

5 Box Jumps

10 Banded Strict Press

15 Air Squats

10 Banded Good Morning

1) 10 Prayer Squats (2s hold)

2) 10 PVC Pass Throughs

3) 5/side Lunge + Elbow to ground

4) 5/side PVC Around the World

20/20 VISION (Time)

3 rounds for time of:

20 wall-ball shots (20/14 lb)

20 deadlifts (115/75 lb)

20 box jumps (24/20″)

20 push presses (115/75 lb)

20 toes-to-bars

Rest 1:00