


American Fit Co Northwest – CrossFit


Warm-up (No Measure)

GENERAL WARM UP [5:00 – 10:00]

0:20 Low Box Step Ups

0:20 Jumping Jacks

0:20 Standing Straddle Stretch to Inchworm

0:20 Active Spiderman

0:20 Updog to Down Dog

0:20 High Box Step Ups

0:20 Hops in Place

0:20 Alternating Quad Stretch

0:20 Standing Overhead Reach to Toe Touch

0:20 Hamstring Stretch to Deep Squat (fingers under toes)

1:00 Pole/Rig/Rack Assisted Squat

-0:20 focusing on heels down and finding the outside of the foot

-0:20 driving knees apart opening hips

-0:20 opening chest and creating a neutral spine (especially in lumbar)

SPECIFIC WARM UP [10:00 – 32:00]


0:30 Squat to Med Ball

[Coach: depth, knees out, and chest up]

0:20 Med Ball Strict Press

[Coach: med ball never drops under chin, hands slightly under the ball, elbows tucked in]

10 Med Ball Thruster

[Coach: hips back and DOWN in between heels]

5 Pausing Wall Balls (0:05 paus in the bottom of the squat)

*[Coach: heels down and chest up]

3 Wall Balls

[Look for- full depth; hips clearly below knees]


10 Mini Kip Swings

[Coach: tight body/midline]

8 Kipping Knee to Chest

[Coach: big kip swing! Like a pendulum, to keep momentum, athletes must get in front of and behind the bar during the kip swing; moving through their shoulders]

6 Kipping HIGH Knee to Chest

[Coach: try to get knees to collar bones]

4 Standing Overhead Reach to Toe Touch

[Coach: stretch out hamstrings]

2 Strict Toes to Bar

[Coach: as little momentum/kipping as possible]

3 Toes to Bar


5 Low Height Box Jumps

5 Burpees

3 Low Height Burpee Box Jumps

[Coach: can step up from the burpee]

[Coach: must stand to full extension on top of the box]

5 Workout Height Box Jumps

5 Burpees

3 Workout Height Burpee Box Jumps

[Coach: can step up from the burpee]

[Coach: must stand to full extension on top of the box]


9 Wall Balls

6 Toes to Bar

3 Burpee Box Jumps



45 Wall Balls (20/14)

30 Toes to Bar

15 Burpee Box Jumps (30/24)

30 Wall Balls (20/14)

20 Toes to Bar

10 Burpee Box Jumps (30/24)

15 Wall Balls (20/14)

10 Toes to Bar

5 Burpee Box Jumps (30/24)