CrossFit – Thu, Aug 3


CrossFit – Thu, Aug 3

American Fit Co Northwest – CrossFit


4:00 EMOM

1: 0:30 Plate Pinch Hold 25/15

2: 0:30 Russian Swing

3: 0:30 Down Dog / Up Dog

4: 0:30 Jumping Jacks

1) 10 Squat Mornings

2) 10 x 3s Hold Calf Stretch

3) 0:30/side Hip Opener on box

4) 10/side Scorpion + Reach

CARRY ON (5 Rounds for calories)

AMRAP 4 x 5 Rounds:
100m Odd Object Carry
40 Double Unders
Max Calorie Bike

Handstand Walk (12:00 of Practice on your Hands)

Skill: 5 minutes per station

1. Strict Handstand Push Up Practice:

a. Plate Deficit (kick up to wall, slowly lower, repeat)

b. Strict HSPU or Highest box possible

2. Handstand Walks

a. Wall Walks x 2

b. Practice out in open kicking up and walking

3. Handstand Holds

a. 0:20 against wall

b. 0:10 one foot off wall